Monday, January 7, 2013

2012 Reflection

Well... this year I've learned a lot.  Academically, about life, people, and most importantly, myself.  I've gone through a few unwanted situations that pain me to think about, that I shouldn't have had to face at this point in my life.  I've gotten into trouble, been very upset and extremely annoyed but I've also gone through some of the best of times, made new friendships and met many people I now can't live without.

I actually don't like New Year's resolutions.  Personally I forget what I'm trying to do or get sick of trying to complete the resolution for the whole year and wind up dropping it.  Towards the end of 2012 I began setting some short-and even some long term goals.  I think I'll do that this year to because I was able to get a lot more done by setting a few goals instead of just one.

Just a few thoughts...


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