Thursday, November 14, 2013

20% Project Reflection

I am learning about lightning for my 20% project.  There is lots of information about lightning which is good for me so I have a lot to learn about my topic.  So far I have a lot of information, but it is kind of random and I need to put it into a presentation.  I think the information I have is interesting and people will enjoy learning about it because common, lightning is a pretty cool natural phenomenon.  The one problem I've been running into is a lot of the same information.  Also I have a Google Doc full of sooo much information but I only have about 2 Prezi slides done.  
I still have to see what information I want in my Prezi.  Then I have to organize it into categories that make sense and set a good order then my Prezi should be finished!  Once my Prezi is finished I have to figure out exactly what i want to say.